When Bariatric Surgery Becomes Necessary


Written By: Rachael Kaine

Bariatric Surgery and Weight Loss

When people think about losing weight, most of them think about diet and exercise. Sometimes, though, this isn’t enough to make a serious difference in people whose weight has climbed into the dangerous category of “morbidly obese”. When an individual’s weight gets to a point where they can no longer do basic things for themselves like bathe, work, move around or even leave their homes, in many cases a diet is not going to change things… and exercising is not even an option. At this point, losing weight and getting back on track is the only thing that people should worry about in order to improve their health and potentially save their lives. Bariatric surgery is an option for people who are experiencing this scenario, but it should be carefully considered and talked through with both loved ones and medical professionals.

What is Bariatric Surgery?

Weight loss surgery DC can help patients reach their weight loss goals in a manner that wouldn’t otherwise be possible. This surgery is done by making the stomach smaller and bypassing a portion of the intestines. This procedure helps people to eat less while feeling full, and to process food through the body much more quickly. This increased speed of digestion means that eating “bad” foods will no longer cut it; you’ll need to eat foods that have nutritional value so that your body is able to function as it should.

After having this done, you’ll notice that the weight will decrease more rapidly as long as you follow the instructions given after weight loss surgery DC. These instructions include eating foods high in protein, low in fat, and in smaller portions. No more sugars, no more fatty or fried foods, no more caffeine – everything will change!

This surgery has a very high success rate in patients that follow instructions and make positive strides. It is hard to become discouraged after nothing seems to work to decrease weight, but in order to be successful, patients like you must be committed to continuing to work hard even after the procedure has been performed. Though the surgery itself goes a long way toward helping to make it harder to gain more weight, it also has a lot to do with the determination of patients to continue seeing the numbers on the scale go down and the energy and ability to live the life you want go up.

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